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ALTERNATIVE FOR THE PRECIOUS DAY For the Jewish and Friends of Israel in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” ~ Psalm 116:15
猶太詩篇116:15                                                  יקר בעיני יהוה־ המותה לחסידיו  

Plots Shortage in Israel
Full Cemetery
終 身 大 事 另 類 出 路
Blessed are the Jews living in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan because they are treated kindly and without anti-semitism.
But they have to face a problem that is not found in Europe, America,  Australia or Africa.
For the Jews that immigrated to Asia, if they are wealthy enough,  would follow the fine Jewish tradition of the Torah and the Prophets.
Their bodies would be airlifted back to Israel, where they can be permanently buried in peace and not be cremated.
Let us bless every Jewish friend in the future that this will be the case on the day of their eternal rest.

實 際 情 況 The actual situation

但是我們也要看實際的情況。經濟很富裕的,畢竟僅屬少數 。以色列因為阿利亞增加了許多人口是好事,但也帶來了土地不足的問題。政府無法增加土地供離世的人民入土為安,已經不得不推出近親合葬的政策,以及建造多層的墓樓。在以色列現成的大墓園,富裕的歐美猶太社團有的早已預購墓位,留給本身的會員們。若干Kibbutz 集體農場有的私人墓地給成員,把多餘的位置以高價提供給其他地區的喪家。
無論如何,長 遠 來看,因為地小人多,爆滿是必然趨勢。
However, we also have to look at the actual situation. It is a good thing that Israel’s population has grown a lot because of Aliyah, but it has also brought about a new problem: Insufficient land. The government has not been successful in increasing land for the burial of the deceased. They had no choice but to introduce a policy of burial of close relatives and to build multi-story cemetery tombs. At the currently available large cemeteries in Israel, a number of wealthy European and American Jewish communities have already pre-purchased burial spots for their members. Several Kibbutz farms have private cemeteries for members, and spare spaces are offered at premium prices to bereaved families in regions.
In the long run, a lack of space for proper burial will be inevitable if nothing changes.

限 制 之 外 Beyond the limits

According to proper and correct Jewish tradition, the body needs to become dust to return to the earth. Cremation is not an option. But in China, cremation is a mandatory policy of the secular government, and the purchase of land only grants a 70-year period of use. There is a Jewish cemetery in Hong Kong. In 1904, a 75-year leasing agreement for the expansion of Jewish cemetery had been proposed and approved by the Hong Kong Government with the assistance of Nathan, a Jewish Governor. Before the expiration of the agreement in 1979, it was extended for another 75 years.  But future government policy will only be tightened since every inch of land is expensive in Hong Kong. Public burial grounds can only be rented for six years, and private permanent ones are very expensive. Not unlike to Taiwan, the society is aging, there are no Jewish cemeteries, and the utilization of land resources will not take into account the needs of the Jewish people.
Let us wish all Jewish friends who face the risk of passing away without a place to be buried properly to find a solution!

預 備 後 路 Preparing for the future

Our highest principles remains unchanged. But when your options are taken away, compromises are inevitable.

”安睡多福”長眠地  是提供給猶太人和愛以色列的朋友的一條出路。和中港台當地花費相比,可省大約一半,使用卻是永久性的,只是需要預先安排。方法是在當地舉行了安息告別,(拉比)祝禱之後,由當地的專業公司把大體空運到德國,然後由德國我們的搭檔禮儀服務公司接辦,直接永久性土葬在世界最大的墓園裡。若家屬不能也在場,在入土當日可以有照片即時傳發到群組,或現場直播。若是喜歡,可以有猶太專業音樂家在現場吹奏合宜的猶太樂曲等安排。
The “Ohlsdorf International Service” ( presents a way out for Jews and friends of Israel. Compared to the local costs in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, you can have a permanent burial site for half the price with arrangement in advance.  After the local funeral ceremonies and the Mourner’s Kaddish are done , a client chosen company will airlift the body as HUM for Air Cargo to Hamburg Germany,  where it will be handed over to our partner service company and be directly and permanently buried in the world’s largest cemetery.  If family members are unable to attend on-site, live streams and photos of the burial process can be provided. Upon request, the client can also have appropriate Jewish music played by professional Jewish musicians accompany the process at the cemetery.

理 所 當 然 Jewish tradition

We are eager to help Jewish friends and any Chinese who are willing to seize this opportunity as soon as possible. 
These traditions and values, while natural to Jewish people, need to be explained to the Chinese. 
Seven pets can be buried together alongside their owner, which is only an additional option, not a requirement. 
Personalized tombstones can be engraved in Hebrew, Chinese and/or English.

安 慰 人 者 得 安 慰 Those who comfort others will be comforted

以賽亞書62:1—2  “主耶和華的靈在我身上。。。安慰一切悲哀的人。”
Isaiah 62:1-2 “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me . . . to comfort all who mourn.”
Please do share our service with relatives and friends so that our Ohlsdorf International Service can grant comfort and consolation to those in need.
We want to be an indirect blessing to Israel and help their government, as well as people, solve practical problems.
Last but not least, this is a part of Jewish culture that we should help to maintain and learn from.